What can you expect during a Reiki session?

At Soulful Blessings Reiki Energy Studio sessions typically last an hour, participants are fully clothed comfortably laying on a massage table.


During the session I hold my hands slightly above or on a participant allowing the energy to flow into the participant’s body. Most people notice a warmth flowing from my hands, that is the healing energy being passed on to you. It is common to experience a deep sense of relaxation while you feel the energy assisting the body in restoring the harmonizing of energy in the physical body.


After a session you may notice some relief from the problems that you came into the studio with. Your general well-being, pain, energy, stress and sleep may improve.


I also encourage my clients to be empowered in their life, to develop a routine that enhances a sense of peace, relaxation, self-love. I will encourage you to develop healthy habits like taking walks, creating a meditation routine, journaling, working on self-love and connecting you to what really matters.




Restore and harmonize natural energy flow.


Calm the mind,

Empower the soul,

Fill your spirit with passion.